Monday 10 December 2012

Game addiction and its impact on faimilies.

Reality of technology addiction and its effect on housholds.

This is a reality show hosted by Tara a famous American super model, where one of the guest came up with a problem of her husband being addicted to the internet games called World Of Warcraft (WOW). The husband abandands his wife and children for WOW game stuck infront of the computer nearly around 24/7. He even missed out on work because of this game which made him unemployed and job less. Thus the wife is confronted with great conflict between his huband leading to a divorce.
This delivers to us that inernet and game addiction can even destroy a household. Breaking up families, loosing jobs, etc. Thus this problem is not an issue which is treated lightly but must take an action and needs governemnet's support and help.

Through this video, I stronlgy desire and will work for the improvement to inform others about the seriousness of this matter.

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